Ragnarok Landverse Pet idea Survey
After playing RO Landverse for a while, you might have seen many different pets. Each has its own unique characteristics and special abilities.
In this survey, we want you to help us thinking of your "Favorite Pet" - one that is both a beloved friend and an excellent companion in your gameplay style.
1. Your Favorite Pet :
2. Why did you choose this pet? (Describe appearance, personality, or special abilities) :
3. What role does your pet play in the game? (Explain how it helps, supports, attacks, or strategies) :
4. please give us some ideas of new pet companions you would like to see in the upcoming future (you may look at https://landverse.maxion.gg/Companion  as your reference)
4.1 Tier Common :
Pet Name :
Ability 1 :
4.2 Tier Rare :
Pet Name :
Ability 1 :
Ability 2 :
4.2 Tier Epic :
Pet Name :
Ability 1 :
Ability 2 :
Ability 3 :
4.2 Tier Legendary :
Pet Name :
Ability 1 :
Ability 2 :
Ability 3 :
Ability 4 :